Established in 1992, Build Ohio celebrates construction through an awards program that recognizes contractors for excellence in construction and a gala that reflects upon the accomplishments of the construction industry throughout the year. The Build Ohio awards program recognizes commercial contractors for excellence in construction. Winning projects set the standard of excellence in construction in Ohio defining a standard that many strive to achieve. The awards program is open to all AGC of Ohio contractor members in good standing. A panel of highly regarded retired construction professionals selects the winning entries according to how they meet (and surpass) the Build Ohio criteria. Winning projects receive the bronze and green marble Build Ohio statue.

    The Build Ohio Celebration gala culminates the year. More than 350 contractors from across Ohio attend the annual event, which includes a cocktail hour, dinner, and program recognizing the accomplishments of the commercial building industry. A video presentation highlights the projects entered in the awards program, and the winners are announced for the first time that evening.

Your Build Ohio Entry

    Every year, companies have questions about how to best prepare their Build Ohio entry. The dropdown boxes below describe the entire process, and give some useful tips to keep in mind while putting together your entry.

Eligible projects must have been completed between August 1, 2023 and July 31, 2024 and must be located in Ohio. A company may only enter the same project once. A company may enter different phases or elements of the same project independently, but they cannot be combined as another total project entry.

A company may submit up to two projects per category. For companies with more than one office in Ohio, each office may submit two projects per category. In a joint venture submittal, the controlling partner must be an AGC of Ohio member in good standing. Non-members will not be recognized.

A minimum of three projects from three different companies, including subsidiaries, must be entered in a category before any awards will be given in that category. Companies submitting projects in a category with less than three entries may resubmit their project the following year.
